Why Triplou?

We at Triplou envision and value every dream that your child as a student wakes up to. We believe in creativity and productivity at its best. Furthermore, we curate personalized tours regarding the same, and make the world a better place for young, intelligent minds!

What's there for the teachers?

The amount of hardwork that you as a teacher has to put in, in order, to make your students’ lives easier, is commendable! We appreciate and respect your contribution. Contact us, at Triplou, for a quality teaching, via experiences, thereby making your workload lighter!

Step outside of the classroom and get a new perspective of the world.

Science is all around us, everything that exists and explains the explains the universe, is science! Why not give students a practical and first-hand experience of everything, in and around? Trust us, nothing sounds better than experiencing the functioning of the universe, than when seen through naked eyes!

Students are full of inquisition and are truly always up for adventures! Therefore, they indeed deserve a patting for their knack for adventure. Take out your students for adventures they deserve, and the ones from which they can learn from!

No matter how well-written history books are, the reality that lie behind famous cultural heritages is beyond words! Let students embrace the beauty and art of every historical piece that’s never appreciated enough! With Triplou by your side, everything is possible!

It’s time for students to gain knowledge of the reality of the world, and help contribute in helping those in need! Triplou makes it viable for young students to step out of their comfort zones, into the service of all mankind. Teaching them to respect biodiversity, while in the comfort of one, is further fascinating!

With learning of the world, and every subject at large, prescribed to the students, comes the responsibility of being honest and kind. Well, incorporate the best in your students and make them soar higher, with flying colors!

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