Isn’t the pandemic constantly stopping you from pursuing local treasures and undiscovered adventures in even your own city? Well, you gotta do something about it. We know that it isn’t making much sense but trust us, we know how it feels when you can’t travel despite the fact that mountains are calling you close! However, making the best of this situation will also help you explore things you never thought would serve as Instagram-worthy pictures and offbeat adventures that will eventually add up to your bucket list.

So, here’s a list that briefs you about ways that will help you find local treasures and other undiscovered adventures in your city. Scroll through when ready!
7 Ways to Find Local Treasures and Other Undiscovered Adventures in Your City!
1. Google it Up!
There ain’t nothing that Google can’t do! Well, this holds true and so, begin googling the hidden gems in your city. You will be surprised to find out the places and things to do in the same- something you could never have thought of! Using a search term like “tourist attractions in [your city’s name]” is likely to return all of the locations you’re already familiar with, so you’ll have to get a little more creative. Don’t limit your search to the first page of results. Take a look at pages two and three to see what they have to offer.
2. Look up places on Google Maps or Google Earth
On Google Maps, type in phrases like “landmarks,” “hidden jewels,” or “viewpoints” to get a customized map of local points of interest. There’s a strong possibility you’ll recognize a lot of the locations on the map. There’s also a chance you’ll discover locations of interest you didn’t know existed.
Use Google Earth to look up your city and get a birds-eye perspective of it. You might come across some interesting spots to investigate.
3. The Tourism Board is always kind enough to help!
The majority of us are unlikely to visit our city’s tourism board since we believe it is only for tourists. They are, after all, for tourists—and you are one in your own city, so don’t be shy about paying a visit to your local tourism board.
You’ll find a variety of information about fantastic things to see and do whether you visit the office or the internet. You might even come across some cheap coupons for attractions or activities like a hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus experience.
4. Look for hidden gems on Instagram
When looking for local gems and secret adventures in your city, Instagram might not seem like the most apparent pick. However, more than a billion individuals utilize social networking platforms. Let’s face it, who doesn’t appreciate sharing gorgeous photographs of their travels?
The accounts of the local tourism board, lifestyle publications dedicated to your city, and local influencers and photographers are the greatest places to look for intriguing locations and activities in your town.
5. Take advantage of Public transport
If you possess a car or rely on services like Uber to travel around your city, you might want to reconsider when exploring hidden gems. Instead, take public transportation. Not only will you be able to observe your city from a different perspective (and take other routes), but you will also have the opportunity to chat with other residents. Inquire about their favorite spots to visit when they have free time.
6. Checkout Geocaching
Geocaching, which is similar to a treasure hunt, is an activity that will take you both on and off the beaten path in your city. To participate, you’ll need a GPS device or a smartphone, as well as an account on the website.
It’s a free activity that’s also a lot of fun, and it’ll take you to areas you never knew existed. Make sure the regions you’ll be visiting are safe before you go geocaching.
7. Take a walking tour with a local interest group
Walking tours may be organized by local interest groups, such as heritage or historical foundations, to allow visitors to visit and learn more about various places and areas in your city. Take one of their tours to get a unique perspective on the area.
You’re going to see some familiar sights, but you’re also likely to discover a few hidden gems and experiences that you may revisit when you have more time.
Final Thoughts
Your city is brimming with local treasures and off-beat activities. Use the seven pointers above to locate them and have a new type of adventure right on your doorstep.