With the return of traveling facilities post-Covid-19 outbreak, comes the need to protect oneself from the virus itself! The fact that you’ve had to stay in quarantine for over 3 months isn’t a thing to forget. You surely don’t want to catch the virus and don’t want to transfer the same onto your loved ones! For the very same reason, traveling safely becomes not only a priority, but also the need of the hour. No matter how many precautions are being taken on the Government’s part, you ought to do your own bit at safety as well. It’s not a hidden fact that despite thermal screening and proper fumigation, a person suffering from the virus can be on board and you wouldn’t even know. For the very same thing, touching surfaces and even making physical contacts is scary. Know the following things before you head out for a journey post-Covid-19 outbreak!
Safety Tips To Be Followed While Traveling Post-Covid-19 Outbreak~
Here are some handy tips for your own safety!
1. Enlist Things You Need To Carry For Sure

Post-Covid-19 world isn’t an easy one to be in, but surely the one you’d want to make better for yourself and others. First and foremost, traveling without the PPE kit (masks, gloves, hand sanitizer with more than 60% alcohol) is neither allowed, not thinkable at this point of time. Carrying disinfectant wipes is further advisable, keeping in mind the hot, humid weather. By carrying all of these, you might save yourself from virus droplets on various surfaces to a great extent.
2. Think Twice Before Touching Any Surface

Being aware of the growing rapidity of the novel corona virus, is a sober decision to make. Make sure what surface you might be touching. It can be ATM, restrooms, etc. Make sure to sanitize your hands a lot, and also your phones, watches, and other gadgets too. Like we said, post-covid-19 travel comes with a lot of risks, but the question is, are you willing to take them without precautions? The answer must be a NO. And if so, then make sure to not touch your face at any point without sanitizing your hands first. And same goes for every surface that you might touch.
3. Lesser The Human Contact, Better It Is

Stand at a considerate distance from not only your fellow passengers but everyone you come across. Try to make contact-less transactions while buying eatables or even boarding pass, if possible. Try to sanitize your hands after touching every surface, that might have had a prior touching by an infected person. Even maintain a six-foot distance from the working staff. And this is how post-covid-19 traveling can be done!
4. Wipe Your Surroundings

This is the most practical thing you can do while ensuring a safe post-covid-19 travel! Since you are already carrying your disinfectant wipes, gloves, and even sanitizers, then why not purell your surroundings too?! After all, it’s safe than to be sorry, and this pandemic has taught us the same thing very clearly. Right from your seat to your own luggage, wipe it all down!
5. Stay Home If Sick

This being the most important point of all. Others don’t deserve your germs after all. Plus, you might infect the poor cab driver or a dear one who takes you to the railway station/ airport. For the thermal screening might sent you to quarantine centers and you don’t want that, do you? Therefore, if sick, that is, if having a sore throat, or fever, you should stay back at home.
Well, we seem to have given a fair share of knowledge on our part. The above-mentioned pointers are to keep you safe to a great extent. You finally get to travel to your home-town or visit a loved-one. So, make sure you are safe, and so are your kins.
All we gotta say in the end is, “Stay Safe And Travel With Care”!